Imminent Changes


Hello everyone. It looks like we are on the eve of wonderful changes as to how humanity manages itself on this planet. The NESARA (National Economic Stabilization And Recovery Act) in the USA is finally due for announcement. This act is derived from a class action by many farmers in the USA who lost their farms to banks that foreclosed on them. The US Supreme Court upheld this claim and was supported by the World Court. The judgment was that the banks illegally charged interest, and the US government must resign and the US banking system changed to a precious metals (mainly gold) basis. This is the only way all these claims could be met with "proper" money, not computer-generated figures.

The US government Treasury will now absorb the privately-owned Federal Reserve which has illegally controlled banking systems worldwide through many secret government operations. The taxation system via the privately-owned (British Royal Family and associates)IRS will be closed down. New Treasury Banks will introduce new currency across the USA. Legally, all mortgages and credit debt will be cancelled. All third world debt will be cancelled.

Because the US Treasury owns 51 percent of the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank, all other countries will follow suit. Other countries will also introduce new legal systems that will benefit all people. Worldwide we will have a common system for good government which will be based on spiritual principles. This is what was originally intended by the Founding Fathers of America, most of them Ascended Masters incarnated. New Government structures worldwide will actually soon be a hybrid Earth/Galactic one before we become a true galactic society, and not the New World Order the dark agenda once envisaged.

In Australia, we are in for an interesting time. It seems, that because Queen Victoria did not roperly sign into being the position of our Governor General, nor what was actually our first government, then everything done by our government since the early 1900's is invalid. So we should have a new constitution drawn up ASAP (on the above-mentioned lines) and a new government put into place. I sincerely trust the present Howard Government will do the right thing and resign. This way, we can have an interim Prime Minister and government just like the USA is about to do!

To assist a quick transition to our new society, funds from high-yield investments, set up by St Germain in Europe over 250 years ago will enable world improvement programs, including new technologies, to be implemented by those people (mainly Lightworkers) who care so much for the planet and humanity. Apparently we will have a limited time to do all this before moving to our magnificent crystal cities in the Inner Earth where we will meet those civilisations existing there
since Lemurian times, prepare for our transition to higher dimensions.

However, don't be disappointed if NESARA is not announced right now,as it should by many messages, it is just around that very long corner.

Tony Wicks
New Reality NOW

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